Saturday, August 2, 2008

We are in China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well we finally made to China after a very long day of traveling. We arrived at the Guanghzou Airport at 11:00 pm. We were all exhausted. The worst part of the trip was the last 5 hour flight from Toyko. The three of us could not keep our eyes open.

This morning we were all up by 7am. We headed to breakfast at the White Swan. This hotel is great. They have a breakfast buffet in the morning and it is the gathering place for all adoptive families. It is really fun to meet other families and their children. It is unusual for families to come to this hotel before they get the child they are adopting. So everyone keeps thinking Kaylee is new to our family and trying to speak Chinese to her. She just looks at them like they are crazy. She has been very shy towards people since we have been here. Kaylee and I took a picture in front of the waterfall at the hotel. It is very similar to the one we took 4 years ago when we were bringing her home.

After breakfast, we headed out to look around. Many of our favorite shops have moved. One store owner told us that a large company bought their building and they had to relocate because their lease was not renewed. While we were out shopping, we ran into 2 groups of school children age 5-7 who were on a field trip looking for Americans to practice their English with. We were happy to help out and had so much fun with them. Kaylee was shy and would not talk, but some of their students were the same way. Above is a picture of us with the school children.

After shopping, I took Kaylee to the pool and David set off to the electronic store. Okay, he was gone for a little over 2hours. I started to panic. What would I do if something happened to him. We will not be going our separate ways anymore on this trip.

We had lunch at a thai restaurant. It was very good. We walked a little ways from the hotel, so we were the only Americans in the place.

Well I just wanted to drop a quick post before we take a nap. Tomorrow we are off to Hefei and on Monday we get our little princess.

Justin, Bo, and Jackson---We miss you and love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Redmom2005 said...

Helloooo!!! It's so great to know that you've arrived safely in Guangzhou!! My husband and Carli are less than an hour away from arriving!! I love the waterfall in the lobby (it is soooo beautiful)!! It's one of the highlights of the trip!!! Have a great day!

Jman's momma said...

Ohhhh makes me want to be there! David in the electronic store? come on!!! You're joking :)

Have fun today. Take lots of pictures.

~ anne

Redmom2005 said...

Hi, Tracey, David and Kaylee! It's early Monday morning in Hefei. I just wanted to say congratulations!! Today is the day you've been waiting for!! Hope all goes well!! You'll be holding Madelynn in just a few short hours!!!

Erin DeNicolo

Kimmy Cristofoletti said...

Yippee! So glad to see you are there. Can't wait to see pics from Monday!

Kimmy Cristofoletti