Saturday, August 9, 2008

We are in Guangzhou

Today we got up early to prepare to Hefei. Our guide took us to the hospital where Madelynn was found. They believe she was a newborn because of her umbilical cord still being attached.

We arrived in Guangzhou on Friday evening. Madelynn did well on her first flight and we were happy to settle in at the White Swan.
Today, Saturday, was a busy day for us. We had breakfast and visited with several other families. It is fun to hear their stories and meet their children. After breakfast we were off to the medical exam. The girls did great. The doctors were pretty considerate

Today was a day of many first for our daughter. She smiled and laughed--which is huge. This is the first day she really interacted with us and played with her toys. She really enjoyed playing with Hayley, our friends daughter. Hayley is very patient and enjoys mothering her. It is funny because both girls are very girly. It is a close competition to see who can get the most hair bows, barretts, ribbons etc in their hair. Both girls seem to be under the opinion that more is better. The more they have in their hair the happier they are. They are very cute together. Today we actually ordered Papa Johns pizza and took the kids swimming tonight. They all seemed to enjoy in but the water was a little cold.

Madelynn likes to play with her snacks. She picks them apart and puts them in bowls and stirs with whatever she can find. It is so good to watch her play.

1 comment:

Redmom2005 said...

Tracey - How WONDERFUL to see pictures of Madelynn smile!! She's even CUTER when she smiles!! I'm glad she's starting to feel more's so hard for the little ones to understand what's going on!! Enjoy your stay in Guangzhou :)
Erin DeNicolo